No. 1 Root Canal Treatment (RCT)


A Comprehensive Guide to Root Canal Treatment in Ranchi

Root Canal Treatment (RCT) in Ranchi is a vital dental procedure aimed at saving teeth and relieving excruciating dental pain. It becomes necessary when the roots of a tooth become inflamed or infected. In this comprehensive guide, we will delve into various aspects of RCT, including symptoms indicating the need for it, its advantages, the procedure itself, post-care instructions, and answers to frequently asked questions.

Recognizing Symptoms Requiring Root Canal Treatment

Timely recognition of symptoms indicating the need for RCT is crucial for effective intervention. These symptoms include:

  1. Severe Toothache: An intense toothache that disrupts your sleep.
  2.  Heightened Sensitivity: Increased sensitivity to hot or cold stimuli, persisting even after the initial discomfort subsides.
  3.  Pain While Chewing: Discomfort or pain when biting or chewing.
  4.  Radiating Pain: Pain spreads from the affected tooth to the jaw, ear, or head.
  5.  Chipped or Broken Tooth: A fractured or chipped tooth that exposes the inner pulp.
  6.  Tooth Decay: Advanced tooth decay that reaches the pulp.
  7.  Gum Swelling or Tenderness: Swollen or tender gums around the affected tooth.
  8.  Gum Pimple: The presence of a pimple on the gum that releases blood or pus when drained.

Advantages of Opting for Root Canal Treatment

Root canal treatment offers several advantages:

  1. Virtually Pain-Free: Modern techniques and anaesthesia ensure that RCT is virtually painless.
  2.  Efficiency and Cost-Effectiveness: It efficiently saves the tooth, eliminating the need for extraction and expensive replacements.
  3.  Preservation of Aesthetics: RCT maintains the natural appearance of your tooth, ensuring a visually pleasing smile.

The Root Canal Treatment Procedure Demystified

Root Canal Treatment
Stages of Root Canal Treatment

Understanding the step-by-step process of RCT can alleviate any anxiety you may have:

Step 1: Examination and X-ray

The initial step involves an X-ray to assess the extent of infection. In some cases, local anaesthesia may be administered before the procedure to ensure your comfort.

Step 2: Removal of Infected Material

The infected tooth material, including any previous fillings, is meticulously removed to create a cavity and gain access to the tooth’s inner pulp.

Step 3: Clearing and Disinfection

The infected pulp is completely removed, and the canals are diligently cleaned and disinfected to eliminate harmful bacteria.

Step 4: Filling the Canals

Gutta-Percha, a rubber-like filling material, is used to fill and seal the cleaned and disinfected canals securely.

Step 5: Restoration and Crowning

The final step involves restoring the tooth cavity using a filling or crown cementation.

Procedural guide For Root Canal Treatment

Post-Care: Nurturing Your Treated Tooth

After undergoing RCT, proper post-care is essential to ensure the best outcomes:

  • Avoid Pressure: Be gentle with the treated tooth, as it may remain sensitive until a crown is placed.
  •  Soft Diet: Opt for soft foods to prevent potential damage to the treated tooth.
  •  Gentle Brushing: Brush the treated area gently and with care.
  •  Crown Placement: Schedule the placement of your dental crown as soon as possible.
  •  Dental Checkup: If you encounter any issues or experience severe pain, promptly visit your dentist for evaluation.

Root Canal Treatment Cost

Root canal treatment costs can vary based on several factors, including the tooth’s location, the complexity of the procedure, and whether a specialist is required. In the United States, the cost of a root canal can range from $700 to $1,200 or more per tooth, depending on these variables. Dental insurance may cover a portion of these expenses, but out-of-pocket costs can still be significant.

However, it’s essential to note that root canal treatment is often more cost-effective than the alternative—having the tooth extracted and considering tooth replacement options like implants or bridges, which can be more expensive.

Root Canal Treatment Cost In India

Outside the United States, especially in countries like India, root canal treatment is known for its affordability and high-quality dental care. Many people from around the world opt for dental tourism in India to access world-class dental treatments at a fraction of the cost they might incur in their home countries. Root canal treatment cost in India can be significantly lower than in the United States, making it an attractive option for those seeking quality dental care without breaking the bank.

It’s essential to consult your dentist for a precise cost estimate based on your specific case and location. They can guide payment options and potential insurance coverage, ensuring that you receive the necessary care while managing your budget effectively.

Root Canal vs. Dental Extraction: A Cost-Benefit Analysis (Root Canal Vs Tooth Extraction Cost)

root canal vs dental extraction

When faced with the decision between root canal treatment and tooth extraction, it’s crucial to consider the long-term benefits and costs associated with each option:

Root Canal Treatment:

  • Pros: Preservation of Natural Tooth: Root canal treatment allows you to keep your natural tooth, which is often the best option for long-term oral health.
  •  Functional and Aesthetic: A successfully treated tooth functions like any other tooth and looks natural.
  •  Cost-Effective: Root canal treatment is generally more cost-effective than tooth extraction followed by tooth replacement procedures.
  •  Cons: Procedure Duration: Root canal treatment may require multiple visits and can be time-consuming.
  •  Possible Retreatment: In some cases, retreatment may be necessary if the initial treatment fails.

Dental Extraction and Replacement:

  • Pros: Immediate Solution: Extraction followed by replacement with implants, bridges, or dentures provides a quick solution to the problem.
  •  Predictable Outcome: Replacement procedures often have a high success rate.
  •  Cons: Loss of Natural Tooth: Extraction means the permanent loss of your natural tooth.
  •  Costly: Tooth extraction followed by replacement can be more expensive in the long run, considering the costs of the extraction procedure and subsequent tooth replacement options.
  •  Potential Complications: Replacement procedures may have their complications and require periodic maintenance.
What Happens After Tooth Extraction

Ultimately, the decision between root canal treatment and dental extraction depends on factors such as the tooth’s condition, location, your overall oral health, and your budget. While extraction might seem like a quick fix, it often involves higher long-term costs and the loss of a natural tooth.

Addressing Common Concerns About Root Canal Treatment

Will I Lose My Tooth?

The outcome depends on the severity of your case. In less severe situations, the decayed portion is removed, and the remaining tooth is restored with a dental filling or crown. In extensive damage, extraction may be necessary, followed by tooth replacement options like dental implants.

Is a Root Canal Painful?

Modern root canal procedures are not painful, thanks to advanced technology and anaesthesia. They are comparable in discomfort to receiving a dental filling.

How Long Does the Procedure Take?

Root canal treatments can typically be completed in one or more dental visits, usually lasting no more than two hours. Severe cases may require multiple visits for completion.

Do I Need a Root Canal if the Tooth Doesn’t Hurt?

Leaving a decayed tooth untreated can worsen the situation, potentially requiring more complex and costly procedures. Timely intervention is recommended to avoid further complications.

Does a Root Canal Weaken My Tooth?

The removal of the inner tooth section may weaken it, but this can be reinforced with dental restorations like dental crowns or onlays, ensuring the tooth’s strength after RCT.

Is It Cheaper to Have the Tooth Removed?

Tooth extraction may not save you money in the long run, as it involves the cost of extraction and the expense of tooth replacement, such as dental implants. Moreover, it can lead to bone density loss in the jaw, affecting your facial structure.

What Should I Expect After a Root Canal Treatment?

Following RCT, you may experience some tenderness in the treated area while the surrounding tissues heal. Eating soft foods and using over-the-counter pain medication can help manage any discomfort. The inner nerves are removed during RCT, providing relief from the previous severe pain.


In conclusion, root canal treatment is a highly effective dental procedure that can salvage your tooth and alleviate pain caused by infection. By understanding its importance, procedure, cost, and aftercare, you can ensure a smoother and healthier dental journey.

For expert dental care and root canal treatment in Ranchi, trust Dr Kaur’s True Pearls Dental Care

Remember, your smile is your asset; let’s keep it healthy and vibrant.

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