Dentures In Ranchi

Dental Implants Near Me

If you are searching for “Dental Implants Near Me” then you should first understand about it in details. A dental implant is an artificial tooth root that is placed into your jaw to hold a replacement tooth or bridge. Dental implants may be an option for people who have lost a tooth or teeth due to periodontal disease, an injury, or some other reason.



Dental implants offer several advantages over other tooth replacement options:

  1. Natural Look and Functionality: Dental implants are designed to mimic the look, feel, and function of natural teeth, providing a natural-looking smile and restoring the ability to chew and speak properly.
  2. Long-Lasting Solution: When properly cared for, dental implants can last a lifetime. They are a durable and permanent tooth replacement option compared to other alternatives like dentures or dental bridges.
  3. Preservation of Jawbone: Dental implants help preserve the jawbone by providing stimulation similar to that of natural tooth roots. This prevents bone loss and helps maintain the structure of your face.
  4. Improved Oral Health: Unlike dental bridges, which may require alteration of adjacent healthy teeth, implants do not rely on neighboring teeth for support. This helps to improve overall oral health as natural teeth remain intact.
  5. Enhanced Comfort: Unlike removable dentures, dental implants are securely anchored in the jawbone, eliminating discomfort related to ill-fitting dentures and the need for messy adhesives.
  6. Restored Chewing Efficiency: Dental implants restore your ability to chew and bite with normal force, allowing you to enjoy a wider variety of foods without restriction or concern.
  7. Boosted Self-Confidence: Dental implants provide a natural and aesthetically pleasing result, improving your smile’s appearance and boosting self-confidence.
  8. Remember, when searching for the best dentist near you, consider their experience with dental implant procedures and the reviews of previous patients to ensure you receive the highest quality care and optimal results.


At Dr. Kaur’s True Pearls Dental Care in Ranchi, we offer top-notch dental implant procedures. Our clinic is known for providing exceptional dental care services, making us the best dental clinic in Ranchi. Here is an overview of the dental implant procedure we follow:

  • Initial Consultation: Schedule an appointment at Dr. Kaur’s True Pearls Dental Care to meet our experienced dentist. During the consultation, our dental team will assess your oral health, evaluate your eligibility for dental implants, and address any concerns or questions you may have.
  • Treatment Planning: Our dentist will create a personalized treatment plan tailored to your specific needs and requirements. This plan will include the number of implants needed, the type of implant, and any necessary preparatory procedures like bone grafting or tooth extractions.
  • Preparatory Procedures: If deemed necessary, our dentist may perform preparatory procedures such as bone grafting to ensure your jawbone is strong and healthy enough to support the implant. These procedures help in maximizing the success rate of the implant.
  • Implant Placement: Once your jawbone is ready, our skilled dentist will surgically place the dental implants into the jawbone. Dr. Kaur’s expertise and precision ensure that the implants are positioned accurately for optimal functionality and aesthetics.
  • Osseointegration: After the implant placement, a significant healing period is required for osseointegration to occur. This natural process involves the fusion of the dental implant with your jawbone, providing a stable foundation for the artificial tooth.
  • Abutment Placement: Once osseointegration is complete, a minor surgical procedure is performed to attach the abutment to the implant. The abutment acts as a connector between the implant and the final dental restoration.
  • Final Restoration: Impressions of your teeth and bite will be taken to create a custom-made crown or dental prosthesis that matches the shape, size, and color of your natural teeth. Dr. Kaur will then securely attach the permanent restoration to the abutment, leaving you with a beautiful and functional smile.
  • Post-Procedure Care: Following the procedure, our team will provide you with post-operative instructions on how to care for your dental implants. Regular check-ups and good oral hygiene practices will help ensure the longevity of your implants.

At Dr. Kaur’s True Pearls Dental Care, we are dedicated to delivering exceptional dental implant procedures with a focus on your comfort and satisfaction. Visit our clinic in Ranchi to experience the expertise of the best dentist in Ranchi, supported by our state-of-the-art facilities and personalized care.


Post Care Tips for Dental Implants:

  1. Follow your dentist’s instructions: It is essential to follow the post-operative instructions provided by your dentist. This may include taking prescribed medications, using a special mouthwash, or following specific dietary restrictions.
  2. Maintain oral hygiene: Brush your teeth gently using a soft-bristle toothbrush. Pay extra attention to the implant area to remove any plaque or food debris. Also, floss daily to keep the area clean.
  3. Avoid smoking and tobacco products: Smoking can hinder the healing process and increase the risk of complications. It is best to refrain from smoking or using any tobacco products after getting dental implants.
  4. Be cautious with eating and drinking: During the initial healing period, stick to a soft diet and avoid chewing on the implant area. Avoid consuming hot beverages or foods that are too hard, sticky, or crunchy.
  5. Attend regular dental check-ups: Schedule regular follow-up appointments with your dentist to monitor your implant’s progress and ensure everything is healing properly.

Best Dentist for Implants in Ranchi:

If you’re looking for the best dentist for implants in Ranchi, Dr. Kaur’s True Pearls Dental Care is highly recommended. With their professional expertise and advanced dental technologies, they provide exceptional dental implant services. Dr. Kaur and her team are known for their precision, care, and commitment to patient satisfaction.

Denture adhesive

If your dentures fit properly, you shouldn’t necessarily need to use denture fixative (adhesive).

But if your jawbone has shrunk significantly, adhesive may be the only way to help retain your dentures. 

Your dentist or clinical dental technician will advise you if this is the case.

At first, some people feel more confident with their dentures if they use adhesive. Follow the manufacturer’s instructions and avoid using excessive amounts.

Adhesive can be removed from the denture by brushing with soap and water. 

Remnants of adhesive left in the mouth may need to be removed with some damp kitchen roll or a clean damp flannel.

When to see your dentist

You should continue to see your dentist regularly if you have dentures (even if you have complete dentures) so they can check for any problems.

Your dentures should last several years if you take good care of them.

But your gums and jawbone will eventually shrink, which means the dentures may not fit as well as they used to and can become loose, or they may become worn.

See your dentist as soon as possible if:

  • your dentures click when you’re talking
  • your dentures tend to slip, or you feel they no longer fit properly
  • your dentures feel uncomfortable
  • your dentures are visibly worn
  • If you develop sores after wearing dentures

If poorly fitting or worn dentures aren’t replaced, they can cause great discomfort and lead to mouth sores, infections or problems eating and speaking.Searching for dentures near you? At Dr. Kaur’s True Pearls Dental Ranchi, we are happy to offer dentures to restore your smile. Contact us to learn more about how dentures can improve your oral health.

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