Understanding Overbite vs Underbite – 06 Causes, 22 Effects, 05 Solutions

Overbite vs Underbite or Malocclusion, often referred to as a “bad bite” in dental terminology, is a condition where the upper and lower teeth don’t align properly due to dental or skeletal irregularities. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll explore two prevalent forms of malocclusion: the underbite and the overbite. Our team of experts at Hawley Orthodontics will delve into the characteristics, root causes, potential complications, and effective treatment options for these dental issues. Let’s get started!

Overbite vs Underbite

Deciphering Overbite vs Underbite or Underbite vs Overbite

At the heart of distinguishing between an overbite vs underbite lies the involvement of either the upper or lower teeth and jaw. In both cases, there’s an imbalance where one set of teeth extends beyond the other, often due to irregular jaw growth.

Understanding the Underbite

An underbite occurs when the lower jaw protrudes forward about the upper jaw, causing the lower front teeth to sit in front of the upper teeth. Typically, underbites have a skeletal origin, often attributed to an excessively large lower jaw or a disproportionately small upper jaw.

Differentiating Underbite vs. Crossbite

It’s important to note that underbites and crossbites share the feature of lower teeth extending beyond the upper teeth. However, in a crossbite, one or more lower teeth misalign with the upper teeth, either at the back of the mouth (posterior crossbite) or at the front (anterior crossbite). Conversely, an underbite involves the entire lower jaw being positioned forward.

Unpacking the Overbite

An overbite refers to the degree of vertical overlap between the upper front teeth and the lower front teeth. A minimal overbite is entirely normal and prevents upper and lower teeth from colliding during biting, thus avoiding premature enamel wear. An excessive overbite, known as a deep bite, can either be dental (resulting from tooth position) or skeletal (due to jaw shape or size). In severe cases, it may even lead to lower teeth biting into the roof of the mouth.

Clarifying Overjet and Overbite

While overbite and overjet are often used interchangeably, they represent distinct malocclusions. Overbite pertains to vertical overlap, whereas overjet deals with the horizontal distance between the upper and lower front teeth. Overjet, characterized by protruding upper front teeth, colloquially known as “buck teeth,” can coexist with an overbite.

Unraveling the Causes of Overbite and Underbite(Overbite vs Underbite)

Underbite Causes

Most underbites have a genetic basis, influenced by dental and skeletal traits inherited from their parents. Other contributing factors may include:

  1. Oral and myofunctional habits such as tongue thrust, prolonged pacifier use, or thumb sucking, affect jaw growth.
  2. Jaw or facial trauma.
  3. Jawbone tumors.
  4. Birth defects like cleft lip and palate.

Overbite Causes

An excessive overbite is often the result of a smaller lower jaw, primarily dictated by genetic factors. Additionally, overbites may stem from:

  1. Overuse of chewing muscles due to habits like teeth grinding and clenching (bruxism).
  2. Missing lower back teeth, which can lead to bite collapse.

Potential Complications of Untreated Underbites and Overbites (Overbite vs Underbite)

Untreated Underbite Complications

Neglecting an underbite can give rise to various issues, including:

  1. Difficulty in biting and chewing.
  2. Discomfort and impairment of the jaw and temporomandibular joint (TMJ).
  3. Increased risk of trauma to protruding lower teeth.
  4. Speech impediments.
  5. Bruxism (teeth grinding).
  6. Mouth breathing.
  7. Sleep-disordered breathing conditions like sleep apnea.
  8. Headaches and earaches.
  9. Uneven wear of enamel.
  10. Elevated risk of tooth decay and gum disease due to challenges in maintaining oral hygiene.
  11. Cosmetic concerns, manifest as a protruding lower jaw.

Untreated Overbite Complications

An excessive overbite can lead to the following complications:

  1. Trauma to the front teeth.
  2. Excessive and uneven enamel wear.
  3. Speech difficulties.
  4. Biting and chewing problems.
  5. Damage to gums and soft tissues surrounding the teeth.
  6. Headaches.
  7. TMJ pain and dysfunction.
  8. Increased risk of tooth decay and gum disease.
  9. Sores or painful ulcers when lower teeth contact sensitive soft tissues behind upper teeth.
  10. Airway obstruction and sleep-disordered breathing.
  11. Cosmetic concerns, including a receded chin.

Correcting an Underbite: Treatment Options(Overbite vs Underbite)

When addressing an underbite, Dr. Hawley tailors the approach based on the patient’s age and the severity of their condition. Possible solutions include:

Phase 1 Orthodontic Treatment

Early diagnosis of an underbite, often spotted in children, allows for non-surgical intervention. Phase 1 orthodontic treatment involves using specialized appliances to guide jaw growth during development. This approach, typically completed within 12 months, paves the way for phase 2 orthodontic treatment, which aligns teeth using braces or Invisalign® Teen.


Braces are effective in correcting mild to moderate underbites, occasionally in combination with rubber bands. These devices help shift the upper and lower arches into proper alignment, eliminating the underbite. In rare cases, tooth extraction may be necessary, followed by braces to close the spaces.


Invisalign can also address underbites by employing aligners with attachments and rubber bands. These innovations facilitate bite correction and teeth alignment discreetly.

Orthognathic Surgery

For severe underbites in adult patients, orthodontic treatment may be combined with orthognathic surgery, a multi-step process that realigns the jaw. This comprehensive approach ensures a stable bite and optimal dental function.

Rectifying an Overbite: Treatment Strategies(Overbite vs Underbite)

Addressing an excessive overbite varies based on its severity and underlying causes. Potential treatments encompass:

Phase 1 Orthodontic Treatment

For some overbites, phase 1 orthodontic treatment guides jaw growth using specialized appliances. This proactive approach can spare patients from corrective surgery or complex treatments in the future.


Braces are a common choice for correcting overbites. They may be used alone or in combination with rubber bands or other appliances to align the bite.


Invisalign treatment can effectively rectify overbites by utilizing aligners with attachments and rubber bands.

Orthognathic Surgery

Although less frequent, orthognathic surgery is still considered for adult patients with severe overbites that significantly impact function and aesthetics. This comprehensive approach combines surgical correction with orthodontic treatment.

Early Detection and Prevention (Overbite vs Underbite)

Detecting malocclusions like overbites at an early age is crucial. The American Association of Orthodontists recommends that children undergo their first orthodontic assessment by age 7. Early intervention can prevent more complex issues in adulthood.

In conclusion, understanding the nuances of malocclusions such as underbites and overbites is pivotal for timely diagnosis and effective treatment. If you or your child are experiencing any of these issues, don’t hesitate to consult with a qualified specialist for a personalized treatment plan. Your path to a healthier bite and a more confident smile begins with expert care.

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